October Website Updates
Summer/October Updates:
Created the TSJCL website from the Brine template on Squarespace
Added a Banner page to the Home page index that depicted a picture of the TSJCL delegation at the 2019 NJCL convention
Created a blog page, called Forum, to the right-hand navigation, where updates and news would be displayed
Added the 2020 TSJCL Constitution and Bylaws, with a brief description of any changes made from the previous year’s constitution and bylaws, to a post in Forum, under the name 2020 Constitution and Bylaws
Added a thumbnail image of a gavel to this post, from Unsplash
Created a navigation header for MyTSJCL that links to my.tsjcl.org, to the left-hand navigation
Added a navigation header for Results to the right-hand navigation that filters only Forum posts tagged “results”
Added a page folder called TSJCL Board to the right-hand navigation
Created a navigation page for Minutes within the TSJCL Board page folder that filters only Forum posts tagged “minutes”
Added links to all previous meeting minutes as a post on the Forum, tagged “minutes”, to be displayed as a mini-archive of previous minutes on the Minutes page
Added a thumbnail image of a typewriter to this post, from Unsplash
Added a page folder called Media to the left-hand navigation
Created a navigation page for Torches within the Media page that filters only Forum posts tagged “torches”
Added links to all previous torch issues as a post on the Forum, tagged “torches”, to be displayed as a mini-archive of previous torches on the Torches page
Added a thumbnail image of the TSJCL logo to this post
Added a JCL Scrapbook page to the Media folder
Added a thumbnail image of four previous JCL scrapbook covers above a heading for the previous years’ scrapbooks, captioned the image, and added the links to all of the previous scrapbooks under this heading to the Scrapbook page
Added a thumbnail image of crafting supplies to the left hand side above a heading for the upcoming year’s scrapbook to the the Scrapbook page
Added the 2020 Spring Torch and a summary of its contents as a post on the Forum, tagged “torches”, under the title 2020 Spring Torch
Added a thumbnail image of flowers to this post, from Unsplash
Added a Photos page to the Media folder
Chose 12 photos from the two most recent albums on the TSJCL Flickr account and added them to the Photos page
Added the link to the TSJCL Flickr account to the Photos page
Added a Join page to the TSJCL Board folder
Added “Why Join?” information from the old tsjcl site and to the Join page under the “Why Join?” heading
Added directions for joining the JCL, the link to myTSJCL, and a link to download the W-9 form as a blog post on the Join page, titled “How to Join“, with a thumbnail image of a checklist
Added information on TSJCL officer positions, a link to the bylaws and Officer Recruitment Letter, and a placeholder for this year’s upcoming nominations forms as a blog post on the Join page, titled “Running for TSJCL Office“, with a thumbnail image of last year’s officers at the 2019 NJCL convention
Added information and the flyer for joining the TXSCL as a blog post on the Join page, titled “TXSCL Membership”, with a thumbnail image of the TXSCL Logo
Added the Membership letter by Secretary Amy Zhou to the Join page
Added an overview of the TSJCL underneath the top banner on the Home page, next to a header reading “Welcome to the TSJCL”, and included a button linking to the Join page
Added an image of the Roman Forum as a banner in the Home page and added links to running for TSJCL office (the Running for TSJCL Office post) and submitting a constitutional amendment as buttons
Added a Calendar page to the left-hand navigation and included a list of tentative dates for the State convention and the Area B, C, D, and F conventions to this page, with purple “calendar” icons
Added a summary of the Calendar page (with the 5 closest events and their dates) to the Home page and included a link to the Calendar page as a button
Added an Events page folder to the left-hand navigation with Area, State, Nationals, and Certamen pages
Added each area’s tentative convention dates and websites (if applicable) to the Area page
Added a map of Clear Falls High School (the location of the TSJCL State Convention) to the State page, along with a tentative convention date and location
Added a placeholder for upcoming registration forms, a link to all State contest rules, and a link to the contests archive website as a list of previous State tests and results to the State page
Added a map of SDSU (the location of the NJCL National Convention) to the Nationals page
Added a placeholder for upcoming NJCL information and a link to past NJCL tests and results to the Nationals page
Added an overview of Certamen, links to TSJCL and NJCL Certamen rules, a list of tentative dates (so far) of Certamen competitions and a placeholder for previous Certamen packets to the Certamen page
Added a link to my.tsjcl.org, the registration website, to the left-hand navigation
Added the list of 2020 Virtual Certamen results and winners to a post in Forum, tagged “results”, under the name 2020 Virtual Certamen Results, with a thumbnail of the awards from the 2019 TSJCL Convention
Added the list of 2020 Decathlon results and winners to a post in Forum, tagged “results”, under the name 2020 TSJCL Decathlon Results
Added the 2020 Fall Torch and a summary of its contents as a post on the Forum, tagged “torches”, under the title 2020 Fall Torch
Added a thumbnail image of the 2020 Fall Torch Cover to this post
Added information and linked the flyer for TSJCL Beyond Convention as a post on Forum under the title “TSJCL Beyond Convention“, with a thumbnail image from the Beyond Convention Flyer
Added information and linked the flyer for the TSJCL Mentorship Program as a post on Forum under the title “TSJCL Mentorship Program“, with a thumbnail image from the Mentorship Program Flyer
Created an Officers page under the TSJCL Board folder
Added each officer’s title, grade, area, favorite Latin quote, job description, Classical text they’re currently reading, and favorite movie and contact info for the officer and their sponsor(s) to alternating red and blue squares, to be accessed upon hover, in gavel order
Created a Constitution page under the TSJCL Board folder
Linked the 2020 Constitution and Bylaws post to the left hand side Constitution page and added links to all previous Constitutions and Bylaws on the right hand side
Added a link to submit a constitutional amendment as a button on the bottom of the Constitution page
Added a link to contests.tsjcl.org, the contest archive page, to the right-hand navigation as the Archive page
Added a summary of the Forum page (with the 5 most recent posts) to the Home page and included a link to the Forum page as a button
Added a banner of the TSJCL Beyond Convention flyer, with the heading, “TSJCL Beyond Convention is here!” a link to the “TSJCL Beyond Convention” post on Forum as a button
Added a summary of the 6 most recent TSJCL Instagram posts with a link to the TSJCL Instagram to the Home page, on the bottom left
Added a summary of the 6 most recent TSJCL Twitter posts with a link to the TSJCL Twitter to the Home page, on the bottom right
Added links to the TJSCL Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook as footer navigation
Added a navigation header for Updates to the footer navigation that filters only Forum posts tagged “updates”