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Welcome to the Texas State Junior Classical League!

Bringing Texans interested in the classics together since the late 60s, the TSJCL fosters the study of ancient Greek and Latin topics in the modern age. The TSJCL is one of more than 1,000 chapters of the National Junior Classical League, an international organization that encourages the same activities as the TSJCL. The NJCL is one of the largest student driven organizations in the world, comprised of more than 45,000 students.

We invite you to browse our website whether you are a member of the TSJCL or not.

 Starting & Growing Your JCL Chapter

By Nikitha Thoduguli, TSJCL Webmaster 2022-2023

Salve TSJCL Community! With JCL activities beginning to ramp up and events returning in-person, I wanted to share a few ideas from yours truly and the TSJCL Board on how to start and grow your own JCL chapter at your school. The packet includes a quick rundown on how to contact TSJCL leaders (officers and state chairs) if you’ve got questions, potential JCL promotional materials, suggestions for activities to do as a JCL club, and more.

Download the comprehensive How to Start & Grow Your JCL Chapter packet here!

If your own JCL Chapter has its own special traditions that you’d like to share with the greater TSJCL community, feel free to email me at, and perhaps your club will be featured in the next packet!


The TSJCL Art Showcase is Now Live!

To celebrate TSJCL art and inspire future classics-themed pieces, I’ve put together a TSJCL Art Showcase, which you can find HERE!

If you submitted artwork to an Area, State, or National JCL convention in the last couple years and would like your art to be featured in the showcase, please submit your art via THIS form!

As always, #SpreadtheJCLove and Gratias,

Nikitha Thoduguli

2022-2023 TSJCL Webmaster


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