December Website Updates
December Updates
Added the breakdown of specific event dates at the Area A and C conventions, including Certain, Classical Civ, Graphic Arts, Creative Arts, and Certamen, to the Area page
Added all tentative dates, including the previous updates, as blurbs to each calendar event on the Calendar page
Added a link the Area A website to the Area page
Updated the link to TSJCL Certamen rules on the Certamen page from the 2019-2020 rules to the PDF containing the 2020-2021 rules
Added a link to email the TSJCL state chairs to the bottom of the State convention page, the bottom of the Officers page, and the middle text section of the Join page
Added a link to email the TSJCL state chairs as a button over the forum image on the Home page index
Removed the “(tentative)” from the calendar entry for Area C and the Area C section of the Area page
Created a page called Documents on the left-hand navigation to act as a hub for all necessary documents for JCLers and sponsors
Added specific PDFs for Academic Contest Rules, Classical Civ Contest Rules, Certamen Rules, Publicity Contest Rules, the Art Notecard, and Sweepstakes information to the “Contest Rules” section of the State page, under the link for the compiled rules, and to the “Convention Rules” section of the new Documents page
Added a link to the membership packet Drive and the links to the Directions for Joining the JCL and the Signed W-9 tax form from the Join page to the “Membership” section of the new Documents page
Created a list of all updates made to the site before December 1st and added it as a post on Forum, tagged “Updates”, called “November Website Updates” and added an image of a tree in fall, from Unsplash, as a thumbnail to this post